Tuesday, December 3, 2013

My experience with the "Loving Kindness" exercise by Dacher was easy to do. First, I love the sound of the waves because I am a coastal California girl and it felt like home to me. Also, the woman who spoke had a soothing voice. I was able to think about my daughter who is currently in the hospital and feel very strong emotions about this situation. It wasn't as easy to transfer those emotions to myself. I had to take a few moments to mentally process some of these feelings and emotions. Overall it was a good exercise. The concept of Dacher's (2006)mental workout is to practice our inner development and consciousness particularly for its healing benefits. One of the ways to practice a mental workout is to do kind things for others. Many people do things for others because they themselves want to get "paid" back at some time in the future. It is best to do kind acts with no other motives than the act of kindness itself. Reference: Dacher, E. (2006). Integral health the path to human flourishing. Laguna Beach: Basic Health

1 comment:

  1. I really like your post, and the point you make about the fact that individuals do nice things because they want to get paid back in the future. What I don't understand is why people just simply can not do things out of an act of kindness anymore! I to feel that more people do kind things because they have been told it brings good karma. I was raised to do nice things just because you want to because it is the kind of person I am, not because I feel I am going to get something out of it. I can only hope that our society will eventually come back to the point where we did nice things for each other because it was the right thing to do.
